Our monitoring service provides peace of mind to thousands of business owners across the country through its approved partners. If your alarm is activated, you can be safe in the knowledge that our experienced controllers will be in contact with you within seconds.
We offer a 24-hour monitoring service to ensure you are protected 24/7. Our security surveillance system detects unauthorised activity at the business premises 24/7. Anyone trying to break into a business are remotely detected, warned off by our Intervention Specialists and the Gardaí are notified. This is a bespoke system which detects intruders before they reach your property, gives live personalised audio warnings to deter any criminal activity and verifies site intrusions (to avoid false alarms)
Anyone considering the purchase of an alarm monitoring system wants to protect one of three things – people (family or staff), possessions and property (home or business).
Audible-only alarms are just the beginning. An alarm that is not monitored is only a job half completed – it is simply an annoying sound. Intruders will realise they can work away undisturbed and more loss and damage will occur.
To better protect your property, today’s alarm monitoring systems are able to detect and notify authorities about a number of household and business emergencies, such as fire, carbon monoxide leaks, even monitored medical alerts worn by the elderly and activated in case of an emergency. With the addition of panic buttons and other safety precautions, the proper authorities, in a matter of seconds, can respond to virtually any emergency that may arise.
An alarm monitoring service offers an extra layer of protection and therefore peace of mind, because it calls for help to arrive at the scene of the intrusion or another emergency.
Our monitoring station is based in Ireland and is manned by trained security operators 24 hours a day every day of the year. We offer a variety of options from home monitoring, to commercial buildings that include CCTV monitoring systems and remote intervention also.
Monitored 24 hours a day, you can rest assured that you will get an immediate response.
Call Systematic Security today for a quotation.